Bahamas Exports of commodities not specified according to kind was US$4.1 Thousand during 2018, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Bahamas Exports of commodities not specified according to kind - data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on March of 2025.

bahamas Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade -922.10 -1052.00 -251.40 -1052.00 BSD Million [+]
Current Account -329.10 -601.90 373.00 -920.20 BSD Million [+]
Current Account to GDP -7.90 -7.70 5.60 -22.90 percent of GDP [+]
Exports 245.60 214.30 305.40 64.10 BSD Million [+]
Imports 1167.70 1266.30 1266.30 373.30 BSD Million [+]
Tourist Arrivals 1034.27 1151.15 1151.15 0.00 Thousand [+]
External Debt to GDP 35.90 38.20 42.10 3.30 percent of GDP [+]